Southside Food Pantry

This is an initiative of one of our Directors Michael Reid and his wife Rita. They collect surplus food each Wednesday from a local supermarket and make it available free to those in need in the local Canberra community. It is held outside in the suburb of Kambah each week – at 21 Jenke Circuit (Opposite Kambah Medical Practice).

A community of regular attenders has developed and Michael and Rita enjoy the opportunity to lend an ear and provide support to all who come.

Any leftover bread is taken to Companion House for distribution to their clients in need. Leftovers are also distributed to needy families through a local gym. Finally, any inedible produce is sent to a farm for animals or composting.

Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust is pleased to support this community outreach.


If you would like to support the Southside Food Pantry by making a donation, your support will enable us to continue our outreach to those in need, to provide even more food and other necessities to those who come along. All donations are tax deductible and can be made to:

EGS Trust Project Account

BSB: 032 766

Account: 13 9061.

Please provide your details for your tax deductible receipt by emailing us at