
The importance of the integrity and wisdom of elders is a concept often overlooked in our western culture. Indigenous peoples understood and valued their elders and this poem by Ian McFarlane beautifully captures the essence of their intrinsic value. We thank him for sharing his poem with us.


(for the elders)

Speak softly of those early years,

and gently taste the spring;

drawn from a well of healing tears,

on memory’s passing wing.

Transcend the stone convention

by gathering fresh moss,

with words too light to mention

the weight of history’s loss.

The candle flame is slowing;

the eye becomes less keen,

but the sap is bravely flowing

through leaves that yet are green.

For you have told a story

that needs no further proof,

and the rhythm of its glory

beats like rain upon the roof.

Shadows dim the sundial’s face

as clouds press down above,

and the Rubicon is crossed with grace –

on the neap tide of your love.


Ian McFarlane – February, 2010

Changes for Elm Grove (October 2020)

What is happening at Elm Grove Sanctuary today?

With the move of the Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust to the far south coast of NSW we have held firmly to the belief that God will continue to lead loving custodians to that sacred place so that it will be lovingly and respectfully cared for on into the future.

Both the Augustine Academy, and a new faith-based community the Elm Grove Sanctuary Community are residing and working there. We hold their intentions in our hearts and prayers as they seek to provide a loving and respectful welcome to all who visit.

Augustine Academy and the Elm Grove Sanctuary Community

The Augustine Academy offers students aged 16+ a Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation – through the Liberal Arts. Students begin their year of study in the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome and continue through to the modern era, studying each period through the lenses of the core subjects: philosophy, literature, history and theology.

Below is the photo from the Welcome & Blessing Ceremony held on 8th March 2020. The Elm Grove Sanctuary cross was gifted to Ben & Eliza McCabe.

Check out their website:

and their Facebook page:

Should the reader be interested to visit the Academy, a warm invitation from Ben has been extended and you may contact him by email at

Elm Grove Sanctuary Community – this newly founded community is a group of people committed and passionate about living in community and working, living and praying together. They see their work as reaching out to and caring for those who face disadvantage in their lives. They have expressed a desire to support and welcome the traditional owners of the area and an intention to run programs that benefit and encourage all people in their endeavours.

Check out their website:

and their Facebook page:

Should the reader be interested to visit Elm Grove Sanctuary Community, a warm invitation from Patrick has been extended and you may contact him by email at