Update on the Breakfast Club

Our members of Narooma & District Education Support Committee (NDESC) and Associate Members of Elm Grove Trust – Angela Young, David Oliphant and Tony Agnew have been supporting the Narooma High School Breakfast Club as volunteers over the last two terms.

Angela and Tony provided feedback recently to the principal Tracy Scobie and staff members on their experience and pleasure in their involvement at the Breakfast Club.

Angela’s message is so worth sharing with you all.

“To me the breakfast club is a beautiful oasis. The students come in focussed and self-nurturing. They are exercising their own choices while learning responsibility. Here they connect up with each other respectfully, with delightful playfulness and raw honesty. The staff are tuned in, loving and kind. I enjoy getting to know them.”

 For those who have offered financial support towards this program, I would like to offer my sincere thanks on behalf of EGS Trust and our NDES committee.


Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust


Moving the coals to a new campfire


The Narooma and District Education Support Committee (NDESC) – (Facebook page)

(Supporting and enhancing Public Education)

You are invited to a gathering

 Saturday August 31, 2024

1-2pm             Lunch (Bring a plate)

2-4pm             Meeting                     


The Narooma Fishing Club, 25 Riverside Drive

Djawa Yunupingu, chairman of the Yothu Yindi Foundation, described at the Gama Festival, how he hoped 12 months ago that by the time of this year’s festival, his ancestor Garrtjambal the kangaroo would ‘stand in the constitution’ as it does on the coat of arms.

Yunupingu declared only the referendum question was defeated – his people were not. ‘After the fire, when the rain comes it renews the land and new growth emerges.’

Following the Voice Referendum in 2023, a few of us have gone on to become involved in this new committee established by the Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust, focussing attention on supporting and enhancing Public Education through Narooma High School and its feeder Primary schools.

Come along and

  • Hear about what is happening and what is planned
  • Learn about volunteer opportunities
  • Share what else is happening
  • discuss closing the Yes 23 Facebook group
  • Catch up with people

Please RSVP to dukest@me.com or in message 0417 738 331

Kind regards

Steve Payne



2024 Encouragement Grant – First Round

The first of our 2024 Encouragement Grants has been awarded to the Narooma High School Breakfast Club.

When we look at the world today, we may well ask whether it can be transformed on the global level, but with patience and steady perseverance to transform negative structures that alienate and divide, we can begin an inner revolution towards equality and justice in our world. This needs to be begun with our children within our homes and our educational systems.

Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust has worked with this aim and purpose through educational programs from its founding in 1987. Our Encouragement Grants are an expression of this commitment. We are exceedingly pleased to present the first of our 2024 Encouragement Grants of $2,000 to Shirlee-Maree Rowland on behalf of the Narooma High School ‘Breakfast Club’.

Shirlee is Head Teacher for Welfare and the Language Teacher at Narooma High School. She believes, and quotes Rita Pierson, “every child deserves a Champion Adult who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the very best that they can possibly be”. The Breakfast Club offers this support each and every day for students to enable them to begin the school day feeling loved, cared for and fed a healthy breakfast no matter their circumstances. We have also been fortunate to be able to offer a further donation of $5,000 to enable some further creative, innovative and inclusive programs for students made possible by the generosity of our Trust’s supporters.









Photo information:

Encouragement Grant awarded to Shirlee-Maree Rowland by Sr. Laurel Lloyd-Jones Exec. Director EGS Trust 17th May 2024.

The School without fences

Today, EGS Trust directors Michael, Stuart, Sean and myself along with our new NDESC committee members Steve Payne, Kevin Bird, Tony Agnew and Angela Young (Associate Member EGST) – apologies from Linda Tucker, met with the Narooma High School (NHS) Executive Principal Fiona Jackson, Joseph Harper (Deputy Principal), Karen Ella-Bird (Snr Leader Indigenous Community Engagement), Shirlee-Maree Rowland (Head of Languages & Wellness and responsible person for the Breakfast Club), and other Indigenous staff members, Carl Taylor (Leader Student Support), Reece Ladmore (Student Support), and Daniel Mason Community Worker Red Cross).

This was a valuable and worthwhile meeting for everyone and we came away deeply impressed by the structures now in place at NHS that are based upon deep respect and caring for the students attending the school. It was so good to hear from Fiona and her committed team of staff members as they outlined how the school functions and their relationship with students who feel a close ownership of their school.

We heard how Fiona and other staff members meet the school buses each morning to welcome the students and how direction and decisions form, from the ground level upwards, with students having valuable input in decisions. I could see how the pride that these young Indigenous people have found in their school and education is now being transferred on to their family members and elders enabling healing and new understanding. This is bringing leadership out from within these students that is healing past attitudes and is enabling such potential and hope in going forward.

We all recognised how differently this school is approaching education to when we attended school. It affirmed for us the value and immense possibilities that our support for the planned mentoring program and the Breakfast Club will assist to enable even greater outcomes. Carl, who originates from the Northern Territory, spoke of how these boys of this age culturally, would be seen as young men. By respecting this aspect, it has evidentially shown that they react from a point of maturity.  They step up to this higher role and this has brought forth greater cultural pride and respect in their culture.

We felt such a warm connection and inclusion in the hope that was very evident in our discussions today and we were welcomed warmly by the staff.

After our meeting we enjoyed a tour lead by Kevin, Carl, Daniel and Reece. Beginning with the outdoor Gardening/Nursery program that EGS Trust assisted with seed funding for this project. This is now about to be expanded to include traditional Indigenous plants that will enable traditional bush medicines to be produced. The girls have shown interest to pursue this under the direction and instruction of Elders.

I have asked for an update on this project and their planned future development as I feel that there will be ongoing interest and support for this from those people who previously lent their support to this project.

We heard about the Canoe Building project that is now available for the Indigenous boys. This is reviving and building close connection to culture enabled in the time spent in learning and in the sharing of life stories as they work. Carl spoke of how important this is for the boys to feel able to open up within a safe group and to discuss their inner emotions and feelings. Both the girl’s bush medicine and the boy’s canoe building programs are open to those non-indigenous students who wish to participate and this interest has grown. The emphasis is upon inclusiveness within the school.

Our tour took us on a walk to the boy’s (men’s) dancing circle set within the tall trees and the native plants which are abundant at the school. We saw the girl’s (women’s) yarning circle, learned of the higher ground placement of the boy’s yarning circle and the site of a combined circle between the two sites where they all can come together. These sites were created by the students under direction from contractors and teaching staff.

We learned that the school is sited on a Song Line and we felt the honour and respect that is given to this area. Narooma High School is one of the very rare schools today that does not have a high fence surrounding it. The freedom symbolised by this ‘unconfined’ school, which is situated within the natural environment, expresses hope so strongly. Today, we all witnessed the openness and enlightened approach that is alive and well at Narooma High School.

I am sure that we all felt very encouraged that our involvement with our Narooma and District Education Support Committee, in partnership with the committed staff at Narooma High School, will auger well for current and future students of the school.

Laurel Lloyd-Jones

25th March 2024

Narooma High School’s Breakfast Club

Can we support Narooma High School’s Breakfast Club to be sustainable into the future?

What is the Breakfast Club? Here is some background information that may assist.

  • The Breakfast Club runs Monday – Friday from 8.00am – 8.45am
  • Located in the Food Tech Classroom
  • Caters for students who travel in by bus from Cobargo, Tilba, Bermagui, Bodalla, Dalmeny & Wallaga Lake. (It does not exclude Narooma resident students.)
  • Buses arrive at school from 8.10am to 8.30am
  • Attending staff set up food/equipment normally from 7.45am and repack/store from 8.45am
  • ‘Menu’ is fruit, ham, cheese, mushroom, green leaf toasted sandwiches/wraps and berry/milo smoothies.
  • Students make and toast their selection and make smoothies.
  • Students wash their plates and utensils.

We use the activity as a soft engagement with students and observe if students are arriving at school in an emotional state (Monday is the high-risk morning). This follows through on completion of breakfast in identifying if the student has brought either a packed lunch or money to purchase lunch from the canteen. Staff intervene in a non-embarrassing way to arrange lunch should this be needed.

  1. In 2023 we averaged 18 – 20 students per morning – so far this year we are averaging 30- 35 per day. Multiple reasons lie behind this!
  2. Purchase of the food is undertaken by staff and funding comes from a range of ‘shavings’ from a range of sources within the school. In 2023 average purchase costs was $50.00 – $60.00 and currently it is now $80.00 – $90.00 per week.
  3. Food is purchased from Narooma Woolworths who offer a ‘discount’.

If you would like to make a small regular or one-off donation in support of this program this can be made through our Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust Project Account –

BSB: 032-766

Account Number: 13-9061

All donations are tax deductible. Please indicate that the funds are for the Breakfast Club program.

To enable us to receipt your donations please send an email to egstrust2@gmail.com



Narooma and District Education Support Committee

Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust has an exciting new Committee

Our EGS Trust board has a new committee of committed local people who are taking a shared hope and vision forward under the auspices of our Trust. Narooma and District Education Support Committee held their first meeting last week and appointed Tony Agnew as their Chairperson. Committee members are Kevin Bird, Steve Payne, Tony Agnew, Linda Tucker, Sean Burke (EGS Director) and Angela Young (EGS Associate Member). The committee will have up to eight members. We extend to them our sincere congratulations, appreciation and ongoing support.

Their committee member, Kevin Bird has written this report.

Narooma and District Education Support Committee

Following the outcome of the Voice Referendum in 2023, the Narooma and District Community ‘Yes’ Volunteers decided rather than fade into the mist that discussion was needed on how the energy and empathy of the Volunteers could be utilised in the future.

At that time, community awareness was rising on the flow-on issues facing communities following the Covid 19 2020 / 2021 shutdowns and the closure of schools in favour of ‘Home Schooling’.

Evidence based data was starting to show the issue of low levels of literacy and numeracy competencies, poor social and behavioural skills of young people, school attendance and attending refusal now within the school environment.

It was perceived that the skills, backgrounds, and life experiences of many of the ‘retiree Community’ resident in the Narooma District, might be utilised as Community Volunteers (Refer – ABS 2021 Census Community Profile for Post Code 2546) as many had wished to be involved with young people with identified Literacy & Numeracy competency challenges to be ‘student mentors / support’ with a focus on enhancing individual students Lit/Num competency levels.

Initial discussions with Executive staff at Narooma High School were very supportive and embraced the concept and, if the proposal materialises, they would provide training for Community Volunteers, identify students requiring Lit / Num support and oversight the program once imbedded within the school. The Executive staff have provided a strong ‘Letter of Support’ for the program.

Discussions with the Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust Board resulted in the formation of the ‘Narooma and District Education Support Volunteers’ as associate members of the Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust.

Under the guidance and auspice of the Trust’s Board members, a funding submission has been submitted to the Federal Department of Social Services under the ‘Strong and Resilient Communities Activity Community Grants’. We await an outcome from the Department on the funding proposal.

  • The program, on advice from Narooma High School staff, will focus on selected students currently in Years 7, 8 & 9.
  • An initial ten (10) Community Volunteers would be selected and undertake initial training provided by Narooma High School. Volunteers would have approved Working with Children and DoE Probity Clearances.
  • Volunteer Mentors/Student support would attend the school, initially twice a week mentoring a student, on enhancing their Literacy and Numeracy competencies.
  • It is projected that 20 students would initially participate each commencing Term 3 2024.
  • 2023 NAPLAN results will be used as the base starting point of student competency and 2024/25 NAPLAN results of individual and group progress (Refer – My Schools – Narooma High School – 2023 NAPLAN results)
  • An element of the funding submission is to engage a Program Co-Ordinator to oversight the program and to provide open communications with school staff, selected students, parents / care givers of the selected students.
  • Selected students would in the main, be from family settings that are within evidenced based ‘disadvantaged’ environments.

We await the advice from Dept of Social Services with bated breath on the submission’s veracity!