2024 Encouragement Grant – Second Round

Our Trust is delighted to announce that our 2nd Encouragement Grant of $2,000 for 2024 has been awarded to Djinama Yilaga Choir which was established in 2019 as an Intergenerational Aboriginal Choir that is rematriating their Dhurga Language through song. They seek to build skills and confidence in their choir members, with a particular focus on their younger members, to support their language, music, performance skills and resilience to pursue their aspirations in music.

They have been able to support this development through public performances locally and by invitation to perform at significant events. This has included Sorry Day with the Cootamundra Girls’ Organisation, Reconciliation Day at Parliament House Canberra, 200 year anniversary of the opening of the NSW Parliament, travelled to perform and share their language in Song in Poland in 2023 and in Washington DC in July this year. They share a positive and fruitful relationship with Four Winds, the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, and other local musicians.

They recognise the importance of presentation when performing in public and particularly in prominent events, so they are currently seeking funds to enable them to create a new and unique uniform for their performances. Elm Grove Trust is very pleased to be able to award this Encouragement Grant to assist them to move a little closer to gaining their lovely new uniforms.

If others appreciate the inspiration of this lovely choir, then further donations can be made to EGS Trust in support of Djinama Yilaga Choir’s new uniforms.

EGS Project A/c: BSB 032766 A/c 139061

All donations are tax deductible – and please email your contact details to egstrust2@gmail.com for receipting purposes.

2024 Encouragement Grant – First Round

The first of our 2024 Encouragement Grants has been awarded to the Narooma High School Breakfast Club.

When we look at the world today, we may well ask whether it can be transformed on the global level, but with patience and steady perseverance to transform negative structures that alienate and divide, we can begin an inner revolution towards equality and justice in our world. This needs to be begun with our children within our homes and our educational systems.

Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust has worked with this aim and purpose through educational programs from its founding in 1987. Our Encouragement Grants are an expression of this commitment. We are exceedingly pleased to present the first of our 2024 Encouragement Grants of $2,000 to Shirlee-Maree Rowland on behalf of the Narooma High School ‘Breakfast Club’.

Shirlee is Head Teacher for Welfare and the Language Teacher at Narooma High School. She believes, and quotes Rita Pierson, “every child deserves a Champion Adult who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the very best that they can possibly be”. The Breakfast Club offers this support each and every day for students to enable them to begin the school day feeling loved, cared for and fed a healthy breakfast no matter their circumstances. We have also been fortunate to be able to offer a further donation of $5,000 to enable some further creative, innovative and inclusive programs for students made possible by the generosity of our Trust’s supporters.









Photo information:

Encouragement Grant awarded to Shirlee-Maree Rowland by Sr. Laurel Lloyd-Jones Exec. Director EGS Trust 17th May 2024.

Encouragement Grant awarded for 2023

Our charity, Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust, is pleased to announce that our Encouragement Grant for 2023 has been awarded to Elka Wood of Bega and her project ‘Celebration Days for Girls’.

Elka has two children and in watching them grow she recalls her own childhood and the transition from child to adult. Realising that it can be a lonely and confusing time, Elka has felt passionate about helping young people access all the information that they need, as well as the importance of face-to-face connection and the support of community during this time.

Elm Grove Sanctuary Trust is a relatively small charity that was founded back in 1983 by Franciscans, Brother Edwin Thomas Lloyd-Jones (LFSF) and Sister Laurel Clare Lloyd-Jones (LFSF). Our Trust’s annual Encouragement Grant of $2,000 is offered with the intention to support early initiatives by individuals, or groups, that offer hope for humanity through their endeavours. Especially when offering projects for young people, marginalised people, and all whose lives might be enriched through caring, especially at this time with the major challenges that face us all.

Elka Wood’s project Celebration Days for Girls focuses on the cusp of puberty (approximately 9 – 13 years) or in the early stages of transition, and the day offers a sharing circle which includes mothers, female caregivers and also older teenage mentors.

Elka describes these days, “it begins with a shared morning tea and then time without the mums when the girls are offered comprehensive period education and activities which focus on living cyclically. Then, after lunch, the girls make fresh flower crowns for when the mothers come back to crown their daughters in a small ceremony”.

“These days can create a positive experience of first menstruation and begin to untangle the menstrual taboos that leave so many who feel alone in their menstrual experience. In hearing the first period stories of a variety of older women, not just from their own mothers, this allows the girls to realise that half of the world’s population is having a menstrual cycle and that without this totally normal and feminine effort, humanity would cease to exist.”

Elka’s vision shines through in her comment “I love seeing young women empowered by their cycle and valuing themselves highly because of what their bodies can do, rather than dreading it.”

Anyone interested to know more can contact Elka by email at theovulationelk@gmail.com


Encouragement Grant awarded for 2022

Our Encouragement Grant for 2022 has been awarded to Alison Walker. Alison is a proud Djiringanj woman of the Yuin nation who shares her pride and commitment to her cultural history. This love is well expressed in her colourful artwork.

My name is Alison Walker and my home is Wallaga Lake – a small coastal Aboriginal community on the far south coast of New South Wales. My totem is Umbarra – the Black duck of the Djiringanj Tribe.

 I take strength from my culture, which has been passed down to me through my Elders over many generations.  This has instilled within me a deep love and respect for my culture.  My artistic practise always seeks to offer the viewer a story that expresses the importance and cultural significance of the land, the sea, the mountains, our animals and our story lines.   All relate to the Dreaming and the stories passed down to us through our Elders.

 I walk proudly down that Dreaming track and I am thankful for the gifts that have flowed to me and the opportunity to share these with others.  I love to paint – it is my life.  I hope that the passion and happiness that painting gives to me is reflected through my art as memories flow out from within me.  They bring me great joy and I hope that the pride I have in my heritage is shared with the observer.